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How To Install IBM Sterling Commerece Order Hub (Orderhub).
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This page demonstrate How To Install IBM Sterling Order Hub (Orderhub) in Linux 8 (RHEL / CentOS)..

Installation of Orderhub is difficult task. This steps help you on installation.
What is Order Hub (Orderhub):-
Who ever has worked on IBM Sterling commerce, they are well aware of IBM Sterling conole (admin console). Admin console is the one of webbased UI for the IBM sterling commerce application. Admin console opens in IE only and Application Manager (Configurator) can be launched from admin console. As Microsoft IE browser is getting sunset, Admin console also needs to go to sunset as it has hard dependency with IE.
IBM Sterling Commerce tean has comeup with a new admin console UI (Orderhub) which runs on every browser to repace existing IE dependant admin console.
Orderhub is very similar to adminconsole functionalitywise. Main two major differences are:
  • Orderhub works / support every modern browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Firfox )
  • Application Manager (Configurator) can not be launched from Orderhub

In this document we will talk about how to install orderhub.

Prerequisite Of Orderhub Installation:
  • First install IBM Sterling Order Management Software version 10.0.2209.1 or later as Prerequisite to Order hub.

To install containerized Sterling commerce orderhub, you need to install following softwares.
1. Install Nginx :
  • Login to linux box
  • Change to root user. command: sudo su
  • execute command : dnf install nginx
  • Start the service. Command: systemctl start nginx
  • Create symlink to ensure that Nginx starts after the reboot. Command: systemctl enable nginx

2. Install Order Hub:
  1. Login to Linux box. Changed current user to root user:
    sudo su
  2. Go to runtime/repository/orderhub directory (e.g. /oms/devtoolkit_docker/runtime/repository/orderhub ):
    Command: cd /oms/devtoolkit_docker/runtime/repository/orderhub
  3. Extract tar file.
    Command: tar xf orderhub.tar:
  4. Grant permission to setup sh file.
    Commands: chmod +x
  5. Go to devtoolkit_docker/compose directory (e.g. /oms/devtoolkit_docker/compose ):
    Command: cd /oms/devtoolkit_docker/compose
  6. Create file copying from sample file(in /oms/devtoolkit_docker/compose directory):
    Command: cp
  7. Update the
    • Open in vi editor or in winscp (oms/devtoolkit_docker/compose/
    • uncomment AP_HOST property. set AP_HOST= (e.g. localhost or some ip
    • set OMS_APPSERVER_HOST to ip of the server (e.g. OMS_APPSERVER_HOST=
  8. Start Docker.(in /oms/devtoolkit_docker/compose directory):
    Command: sudo service docker start
  9. Run the following command to set up orderhub.:
    Command: ./ setup-orderhub (to install order hub only)
    ./ ( to install every thing).
  10. Login to console first (URL: https://localhost( or IP e.g. ).
    Then Login to Orderhub. on the same window .
    URL to login to order hub. URL: https://localhost( or IP e.g.

    default UserId/Password: admin/password.
To start and stop orderhub and other service:
  1. Command to start: ./ start
  2. Command to stop: ./ stop
URLs to login to the applications:
Note: Here just high level steps are given. You need to follow product installation guideline .
How To Launch Configurator / Application Manager
Configurator can be launched in two wasy.
  1. From IE Browser - It is going to sunset soon
  2. Using Command Line

Launching Confgiurator (Application Manager ) from Coomand Line:
Download ApplicationManagerClient folder from /oms/devtoolkit_docker/runtime/ApplicationManagerClient
1. got to ApplicationManagerClient folder
2. java -jar client.jar 
3. Provide application URL, userid and password.


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