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User : Feedback/Comments
Suriya : Hi There, I see these tools are more useful to developers. I have seen this site today and I'm very much eager how this is been created. I suggest that if this can be created as a extension or a plugin for the IDE's then it will be more easier to work with
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much for your comment and using easycodeforall. We will check if we can give this tools as eclipse plug-in. We have plan to provide some more tools as downloadable and installable.
Mahesh : To make the site more helpful, can a user guide be included providing every minute explanation that a new developer can find very useful. Thanks.
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Bhawna jyoti : nice
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Crystal Berg : easycodeforall made my work easy!!!!!!!!!!
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Karen Colt : Great tools! I am using every day!
Naresh : Thank you! Easy code team, its helped me to save lot of time. Regards Naresh
Atdhe Muhaxhiri : Hi, this is a wonderful tutorial One question, if I have select sql in multiple tables and if my table has a field name which is the same (e.g. id), how can I read from resultset?
EasyCodeForAll:- You can use alias to name the same columns.
In the above example I have used EMPID as alias for EMPLOYEE.ID !
Anonymous : awesome! This Online XSLT ( tool helped me learn the basics of xslt, enough to get me out of a jam. I had sent incorrect XML specs to a partner, and by applying an xslt step before import of the xml I was able to avoid weeks of back and forth. I am sure i will find future applications for this as well! this was one of those things that kept me awake all night, so I had to work on it saturday, or I would never get enough sleep this weekend
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much for your feedback!
Anonymous : Really very easy and useful guide for coding. I wish many more students / professionals make use of the website.
Ahmed Patan :
Sara Purko : Can you please add a new tool to compare two xml files
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you so much ! We have added XML comparator.
Mahesh : Fantastic and very useful tool!
Vivek : Java Code For XML is an excellent tool! Now I can finish my coding in half an hour and its defect free. Hardly 1 or 2 deployment! Thank you!
Arun : Excellent Job!!!
Vandana : XSLT Code generator is the best!
Sujit : This tools are helping me lot! Thank you!
Anonymous : Why did you not bring this tools 2 years back?
Sutapa : Very helpful tools! Easy to use....
Bhaskar : Simple and very useful! Now coding is a easy task! Thanks for adding demo videos!
Manoj : Excellent tool. It will save a lot of time while doing coding. Very good work. Few sugesstions -
1) If possible can the output be displayed on the same tab as input so that if I have to compare I need not juggle between both tabs
2) Java code for XML can be structured properly
EasyCodeForAll:- 2nd Point has been taken care. Thanks for your feedback!s
Kaushik : Easy and excellent tools!
Suman : Need content for Mongo DB and Angular js.
Supriya : Very useful tools! Can you please provide JavaDoc tool to download..
Shantanu : Thanks for adding demo videos! Now easy tools are easy to use..
Naveen : Excellent tools!!!! Please add contents for chatbot!
Krishan :
Anonymous : Great tools! Can you please add tools to generate NodeJS code?
Manish : Thank you so much!!!!! Very useful tools!!! Things are working in single deployment!
Rahul :
Rahul : I am fortunate to get the access of the tool free! I got my work-life balance back!
Chiranjit :
Anonymous : Thank you! Can you please add tool to generate nodejs code?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you for your request! We will add it soon!
Anonymous : Can you please add a feature to generate JSON parsing code?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you! Added a feature to generate JSON parsing and building JSON object code. Use the link "Generate Code For JSON".
Pooja : Thanks for Java code generator for JSON using simple-json.jar! Can yoy please add code generator using GSON?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you! Added them.
Ajay Gupta : I am using easycodeforall for some time. I found this site was down for some time. Can you please keep it running 24*7?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thank you for using it! We are improving hardware infrastructure to make it available alwyas.
Tapabrata Ghosh : Very useful tools!!! Can you please add AngularJS?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thanks for your comment! We will add the feature to generate AngularJS code.
Sayantan Mitra : Thank you! Can you please add Sproing Boot REST webservice code?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thanks for your comment! It has been added. Please use it.
Venkat : Thanks for adding Springboot code generator! It's helping us immensly in our project.
Sumitha : Can you please add AngularJS?
EasyCodeForAll:- Thanks for your request! We are trying to add it.
Mohit Garg : Thank you easycodeforall.... XSLT code generator made my work easy!!!
Amit Layek : Very helpful tools!!!!
Swapna Saxeana : Cool!!!!
Anonymous : Excellent Tool for codes generation. Highly useful and easy learning through simple steps approach. All students and software professions can use it easily. Great work done !!!
Kiran : Can you please format the output XMl of Test/Debug XSLT tool by default
EasyCodeForAll:- Thanks for your comment! Its implemented. Now output XML is formated.
Anonymous : Generated XSLT code throwing following error. Error: net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException:
EasyCodeForAll:-Thanks for the information. In some condition generated code has compilation issue. It has been fixed.
Kapil : New version of the is much better and more beautiful!

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