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SpringBoot REST API Code Generator
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Generates REST API(webservice) implementation java code with Springboot from sample request and response XML/JSON. It generates controller and bean classes of the REST service. Input is XML/JSON and output is REST service implementation java code with Spring-boot
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REST Webervice Name.(* Required): It is required.
Main package Name.(* Required): It is required.

Request Details :
Request Will have header Only Request will have both header and body
Sample Request String (JSON/XML format ) :(* Required when request will have body):
Root Tag Name Of Request : (*May be required for JSON format input
Java Request Bean Class Name Postfix :
Response Details:
Response Will have header Only Response will have both header and body
Sample Response String (JSON/XML format):(* Required when response will have body):
Root Tag Name Of Response : (*May be required for JSON format input)
Java Response Bean Class Name Postfix :